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Our complaints policy can be found in the under the policy tab 

This procedure is for use for complaints against the school, a member of staff or the governing body. There are separate arrangements, laid down by law to cover the following:

  • Complaints against the curriculum, collective worship and religious education.
  • Appeals against admissions.
  • Appeals against exclusions.
  • Appeals about assessments and statements of special educational needs (to 2018) and against Education Health Care Plans.

For further guidance on any of the above please contact the Executive Headteacher

Making a complaint to the Department should only happen once all other routes have been followed. 

The exception to this may be where there is a child protection concern, or where a child is missing education.

More information about making a complaint can be found on the DfE website:

If a complaint has been made by a number of parents and it is about whole school issues they may, at any stage of the procedure, ask the Chief Inspector of schools to investigate their complaint. The Chief Inspector may or may not require the school’s complaints procedure to be exhausted before he decides whether or not to investigate.